2019 CreditCon Speakers

Robby Birnbaum


Doug Minor

Credit Damages Expert

Chad Kusner

Credit Repair Resources

Dan Sater

Credit Scoring Advisor

Derrick A. Harper

Point Boosters

Mark Clayborne

Startup Credit Repair Business Training Center

Cristian deRitis, PHD

Senior Director – Moody’s Analytics

Jesse Leimgruber

Co-founder Bloom

John McNamara

Assistant Director, CFPB

Ryan Christiansen

Vice President of FI Data Solutions

Rusty Breese

CEO of ScoreNavigator

Teresa Dodson

Founder Greenbacks Consulting

Damon DeCrescenzo

Co-founder and CEO of The Credit Pros

Mark Sher

Your Family Bank

Mr X.

Credit Convict

Deric M. Dandridge

Dandridge Seminars Training Group

Lisa Warner

CEO Credit Supply

Ron Howard

SoTellUs Executive

Andre Coakley

CEO Credit360

Jimarcus Blandin

FYI Business and Financial

Ty Crandall

CEO Credit Suites

Aaron Christopher (“AC”) Evans

CEO and Founder of Drips

Tareka Coney M.Ed

Founder Coney Business Enterprises

Elle Williams

Founder EduSolutions

Brandy Thorpe

Founder Legacy Credit

Steve Reger

Senior VP SmartCredit

Kelly Wells

Founder Credit Resources of Washington

John Ulzheimer

Credit Expert

Matt Liistro

Credit Admiral Software