James has been in the credit industry for 11 years as CEO of Meta Credit USA. In the last two years James has developed a niche in the credit space – the Pre-Arbitration method. James has worked closely with attorneys for the past 2 years to develop a road map for credit repair companies to follow when helping consumers navigate Arbitration. In 2022, James is launching the Pre-Arbitration Academy at CreditCon to help companies navigate this process. Most companies do not know that you do NOT need to be an attorney to represent a consumer in Arbitration. Almost all major bank cardholder agreements have an Arbitration clause. James is working within the industry to help consumers with this new tactic. The Pre-Arbitration Academy will level the playing field between the average consumer in need of a fair shake and the large companies who might be taking them for granted or conducting business out of compliance with respect to consumer rights.