Dr. Gerald Fahner is Senior Director in FICO’s Scores division, where he leads the Advanced Analytic Capabilities Research group. He specializes on innovative methods and algorithms that turn data and domain knowledge into superior insights, predictions, and decisions. Gerald is also responsible for the core algorithms underlying FICO’s scorecard development platform. His work on causal modelling won the Best Paper award at the Credit Scoring and Credit Control XI conference, was awarded patents and made it into products. He won a Best Paper award at the Data Analytics 2018 conference for developing practical methods in explainable artificial intelligence and machine learning to boost the effectiveness of FICO’s credit risk score developments. These innovations also led to the development of the FICO® Resilience Index which has been recognized by the 2021 Drexel LeBow Analytics 50 award.
Prior to joining FICO in 1996, Gerald served as a researcher in artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics at the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley and he earned his Computer Science doctorate from University of Bonn.